NEW YORK RESIDENTS: For residents of the state of New York, IntelliGenetics must receive a copy of an Officially Interested Third Party Request (e.g. letter from an US Government Agency (USCIS, US Embassy, US Passport Agency, IRS, etc), Court-Order, Attorney's letter, Physician's Order), before the lab may begin processing your DNA test results. One of our Customer Care Specialists will contact you to get a copy of the document.
B) Second Contact--Optional (gives us permission to speak with them about your case in the event we cannot reach you) Name, Phone #, Email. Indique relationship to the Petitioner/Requester (e.g. attorney, relative).
C) Contact for the Beneficiary(ies) living abroad. Name and phone # of the contact for the persons tested abroad (must be 18 or older). For residents in Vietnam only, the residential address is also required.